What Conditions Can Be Treated By Radial Pulse Therapy?

Radial Pulse Therapy has been used to successfully treat a wide range of conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system, and is particularly effective in dealing with those that affect an area where connective tissue attaches itself to bone. Some of the conditions that radial pulse therapy is commonly used to treat include:

  • Heel Spurs, Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis:  These three conditions are commonly linked, since the development of heel spurs can lead to the other two conditions. Heel spurs are caused by calcium deposits and are boney growths that jut out just under the heel area.
  • Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow:  Clinically, these conditions are called Lateral and Medial Epicondylitis. Ironically, tennis or golfer’s elbow are conditions that predominately affect people that don’t actually play those sports. They often occur as a result of overusing the tendons in the elbow, which can be hard to avoid depending on your occupation or sport. Radial Pulse Therapy has become the preferred elbow treatment in cases where the condition has become chronic.
  • Patellar Tendonitis or patello-femoral syndrome:  The patellar tendon plays a vital role in our ability to move our legs, connecting the kneecap to the shin. If you start to notice pain in this area when completing physical activity, you could well be suffering from patellar tendonitis, which will require tendonitis treatment.
  • Bursitis:   Bursitis is a condition that can affect various areas of the human body, including the hip, shoulder and elbow, and is characterized by the inflammation of the bursae, which are very small sacs filled with a fluid that protect your bones, muscles and connective tissues. Radial Pulse Therapy is used to reduce this inflammation, particularly in the hip area, and has been found to minimize the chances of repeated flare-ups.
  • Shin Splints:   Shin splints are a fairly common problem amongst those who undertake physical activity on a regular basis, particularly those who frequently run on a hard surface. If you feel pain running along your shinbone, or just behind it, you are suffering from shin splints. Rest and ice are commonly advised, but these treatments often only provide a temporary solution. Shock wave therapy can help to banish shins splints for good.
  • Chronic Muscular Pain:   This can be experienced for a whole number of reasons, but the most common causes are physical trauma, stress and overuse. The pain is often focused in one area of the body and can be minimized and eventually removed altogether by undergoing shock wave therapy.
  • “knots” in your shoulder or elsewhere:  Usually these “Knots” are bundled scar tissue formations that create what people describe as golf ball lumps. Often, they like to rub them or apply pressure to them, but they’re very resistant and don’t go away, many times lasting for years or even decades.
Is Radial Pulse Therapy A Suitable Form of Treatment For Me?

We can only determine this once a case history and exam has been performed on you. However, as a basic rule of thumb, radial pulse therapy should be considered if:

  • Your condition is considered chronic and you have been suffering from it for an extended period of time (at least three months).
  • The condition affects an area where connective tissue attaches to bone.
Are There Any Contraindications to Shock Wave Therapy?

While shock wave therapy rarely produces any side effects, in some cases it is not recommended. If you suffer from any of the following conditions, radial pulse therapy should be avoided:

  • Circulatory Conditions (blood thinners)
  • Tumor Diseases and Cancer Patients
  • Pregnancy
  • Polyneuropathy
  • Thrombosis
  • Coagulation Disorders